※10/17追記 弊社グループのPosiflex社による株式取得(子会社化)に関するお知らせ
2017年7月14日、弊社親会社であるPortwell, Inc.は、今後予定される株式譲渡により、Posiflex社グループの傘下に入ることを発表いたしました。※(2017年10月17日追記)本日、正式に株式譲渡が実行されました。
2017年7月14日、Posiflex Technology, Inc. (以下“Posiflex”)は総額凡そ200億円でPortwell, Inc. (以下“Portwell”)の株式を100%取得する事を発表いたしました。2017年9月に開催を予定しているPortwell株主総会での承認を経てPortwellはPosiflexの完全子会社となります。本件に関する資金調達としてPosiflexは、Portwell創業一族、Singapore-based Pavilion Capital、Argus Holding Limitedによって構成される国際的戦略投資機関Embedded City Taiwan に対し、およそ180億円分の優先株を発行いたします。
■ この協業により、従来にないBtoB向けIoTプラットフォームの供給を実現世界規模で様々な領域に対する専門的な製品を供給し、独創的で且つ400億円の売上実績を持つ両社は、昨今キーワードとなっているIoT市場においても、最大限の力を発揮すると考えています。
■ O2Oソリューションで世界的なリーディングブランドにPosiflex(+KIOSK、Posiflex子会社)+Portwellは2つの戦略的且つ特定のビジネス分野へ向けたB2B IoTプラットフォームへの需要に対して習熟していく予定でおります。
グループの売上5割を期待しているのは”O2Oソリューション”の分野であり、市場規模は1兆2500億程、アプリケーションとしてはSmart Retail & Hospitality、Gaming & Entertainment、Fintech、Security & Logistics、そしてDigital Healthcareを含んでいます。
一方の5割は”IoTオートメーションプラットフォーム“による売り上げを見込んでおり、市場規模は5600億円程、アプリケーションとしてIoT Infrastructure cover Green Tech, SDN Datacenter, そしてAutomationを含んでいます。
早々にPosiflexは財務、戦略、法務や法令順守、リソースの統合や新規ビジネス創出に関する協力体制構築を目的としGroup Corporate Office (GCO)を設置します。Portwellは現状通りのガバナンスの枠組みと統治機構を持って通常業務を継続していくこととなります。
■ より多くの機会をPosiflexグループの一員として、Portwellはあらゆる領域・分野、地理的制限に限られないサービスインフラストラクチャー、大規模調達によるコストメリットといった利点すべてを活かす事ができるようになります。Portwellに根付く“Concept-in; Solution-out”の哲学を頼りに、市場拡大や生産・開発を含めた能力の統合をもたらす両社の連携は、より一層のサービスレベルを持って、お客様へ特別な価値を提供する事になります。
Portwell Inc.
Ken Guan
To the valued and respected business partners of Portwell Group
Posiflex Technology, Inc. (“Posiflex”) announced to acquire 100% shares of Portwell, Inc. (“Portwell”) for a total consideration of US180 million; upon closing (expected in September 2017 post shareholders’ approval) Portwell shall become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Posiflex. As part of the financing program, , Posiflex shall issue US$160 million worth of preferred shares to Embedded City Taiwan as incorporated by a group of international strategic investors, including Portwell’s founding family, Singapore-based Pavilion Capital and Argus Holding Limited. This is a very exciting milestone for both companies, for our employees and our business partners. We hereby present the highlights of this strategic combination to you:
Complementary with strategic relevancePosiflex(+KIOSK)+Portwell have complementary product lines, supply chain advantages, R&D resources as well as regional & vertical market focus; the combination is expected to fuel mid to long term revenue growth and harvest efficiently on cost synergies. From now on, we will be much better positioned to enhance our product & service offerings to you.
A combination creates an exceptional B2B IOT PlatformPosiflex(+KIOSK)+Portwell will be well-positioned to capitalize on the emerging Internet of Things fully by its unique and winning US$360 million platform powered by the most comprehensive vertical market coverage on a global scale.
World’s Leading Brand for O2O SolutionsPosiflex(+KIOSK)+Portwell will master the demand from B2B IOT Platform empowered by its two strategic business groups:
50% of the group revenue from “O2O Solutions” with addressable market of US$11 billion; applications include Smart Retail & Hospitality, Gaming & Entertainment, Fintech, Security & Logistics, and Digital Healthcare;
The other 50% from “IoT Automation Platform” with addressable market of US$5 billion; while the applications of IoT Infrastructure cover Green Tech, SDN Datacenter, and Automation.
We aim to provide project based customized total solutions to increase number of edges/access and improve customer experiences, which will be followed by cloud-based hosting services for hardware monitoring, preventive maintenance, and value added managed services throughout the project life cycle.,br>
Soon Posiflex will set up Group Corporate Office (GCO) to develop corporate infrastructure with focus on finance, strategy, legal & compliance, as well as resource integration & new business development. Daily operations of Portwell will continue as is and be driven by current functional leadership & business owners with adequate autonomy under the governance framework.
Being part of Posiflex, Portwell Group shall deliver to the business partners:
You can rely on the same working relationship that you have had in the past. You will still be working with the same people under existing business terms, and you can depend on the same quality of work. We remain committed to providing our business partners with the highest quality products and services and to working with you to continuously improve overall satisfaction.
More OpportunitiesBeing part of Posiflex, Portwell shall have access to comprehensive vertical market domain, a stronger service infrastructure across continents and full suites of products and solutions with economies of scale. Building upon the “Concept-in; Solution-out“ philosophy of Portwell, the strategic combination driven by expanding served available markets as well as integrated capability and capacity, shall be of great value to our business partners with enhanced offerings and service level in achieving our joint ambition.
Should there be any questions concerning the strategic combination, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your account representatives and our headquarters office.
Portwell Inc.
Ken Guan
TEL: 03-6902-9225
E-mail: ktachihara@portwell.co.jp